Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rain and Hair problems

George has left for home and has arrived safely. He had to stop in Dakar as they did not have enough fuel here in Ghana to cross the ocean. I have decided not to take any chances and will stay here at the Coconut Grove for most of the time. Since the General Manager is on leave to finish his masters in Australia, they have given us his apartment. It has a bedroom, living room, toilet room and a 6’x7’ shower room. A very weird use of space. Our bedroom at home is only somewhat larger than this shower.

The weather has been very sunny and hot the last few days. I would like to complain about it but it was very rainy last week and I think that the sun is better. We have only seen it very dry and lacking water. Last year when Shawna was here in August, September, and October it was very rainy, but when we got here in November it was dry again. As it turns out it is a mess when it rains. The roads are red slimy goo dotted with wide pools of water. A lake happens in the school yard. I am sure the mosquito population grows. Life is just so hard here. I am glad I will be able to stay in a nice place until I leave in 7 weeks.

My hair was getting very dry even though I wear a hat all the time. I stopped at a hair stall and asked if they had something that would work. They sold me Aloe Vera “hair food”. Sounded good to me so I bought it and put it on my hair when I got home. It was kind of greasy but I thought it would be like a hot oil treatment. Well I was wrong. I put it on Saturday night, and as of now have washed it 6 times. It is still a major grease ball. When I told someone I had gotten “hair food” they said “good it will protect your hair for about 3 weeks.” Turns out it is a coating that has petroleum jelly in it along with many other greasy ingredients. Sure wish I had read the label before I put it in my hair. I am thinking of washing my hair with dish soap. I wonder if it will dry it out.


lawlibrarian said...

As one "hair" person to another....I sympathize. Your adventure sounds wonderful and challenging, all at the same time. We miss you on the river. Keep blogging....

Weir On The Go said...

Hey Kathy-love the hair story! Hope you're surviving without George. Just wanted to wish you an early Happy Birthday (it may already be your birthday today over there)!!

Weir On The Go said...

From Ruth:
"Happy Birthday, Kathy! We hear the project is going well. We look forward to your return. The Book is out and has been very well received. Have a wonderful day!"

lawlibrarian said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY....and so begins your "birthday month"....a little different from past ones. Wishing you all the best - and a good night's sleep (you will know what I mean...those international codes can be a pain)
